Bad Beauty Habits

Being obsessed with beauty and makeup you'd think I would always stick to the rulebook and carry out my routines meticulously. However sometimes something called laziness gets in the way and not everything is done as it should be. Here are a few Bad Beauty Habits I have picked up.

Using face wipes// I know they don't really take your makeup off and they can dry out your skin, so why do I still use face wipes? I use them very rarely though, only on nights when I'm literally falling asleep whilst taking my makeup off. Sometimes walking to the bathroom to remove your makeup can seem like such an effort!

Keeping mascara for longer than 3 months// I usually have 2 or 3 mascaras open at once which means that they are never used up within 3 months of opening them. Some mascaras I have at the minute may have been open for the past 6 or 8 months (oops!). The smart thing to do would be to use 1 mascara at a time but I can't do that, once I get a new mascara I have to open it. I'm either going to have to do a mascara clear out soon, or risk getting an eye infection...

Not washing my makeup brushes as often as I should// I am so bad when it comes to washing my makeup brushes. Smaller brushes for eyeshadow are fine because I give them a spot wash after using them, but it's the bigger brushes I often neglect. They should be washed at least once a week but I often forget or just never get round to it. This could be an excuse to buy more brushes as back ups!

Peeling off nail varnish// Thankfully I've got out of the habit of painting my nails, instead I now just decide to peel of my nail polish, not good. This is such a bad habit and it's something I do when I'm bored. I have pretty strong nails but peeling off your nail polish can remove the top layer of nail and make them weaker. This is a habit I really need to stop.

Have you any bad beauty habits that you need to break?


  1. Totally guilty of all of these bad beauty habits! Xx

  2. Using face wipes was all I used until a year ago and I have to say I'm so happy I kicked this bad habit! But peeling off my nail polish, still do it all the time. As soon as I get that one lil chip I'm at all my nails xx

    Beauty with charm


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