April Favourites

I swear every month goes by quicker than the last one. How are we almost half way through 2014? It's crazy! Anyway that means it's time for another round of monthly favourites.

My first favourite is a product that I don't actually own. My sister bought the Mac Mineralise Finish in Soft and Gentle a few months ago and I have been borrowing/stealing it quite a lot recently. I'm not one for shimmer/glitter on my face but the tiniest amount of this on the cheekbones can create a subtle glow. I don't think I'm quite ready to spend £22 on one of my own, so for now I think I'll just keep borrowing my sisters.

Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh is my Spring and Summer perfume. This is the only perfume I'll be wearing for the next few months. It's a very fresh and light floral scent that lasts all day. Plus, the bottle is beautiful!

Spring nails = pastel polish, and no one does pastels better than Essie. The ultimate Essie pastel shade has to be Mint Candy Apple, I featured this polish in The Spring Edit post. This colour will be on my nails quite a lot over the next few months.

And finally the Origins Super Spot Remover which has been this months life saver. I had a few pesky breakouts and this product came to the rescue. I applied a bit of this directly onto my spots at night (which stung like a bitch btw) and there was a visible difference in the size of the spot by the morning. After 2 days of using this my spots were completely cleared up. 

What products have you been loving lately?


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